Edward Macura

Co-CEO – Country Head • UAE

Edward Macura
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Head Office
Level 1, Building 4
Dubai Hills Business Park
Dubai Hills Estate, Dubai
United Arab Emirates

Bureau : +971 4 2452100

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Edward Macura

Co-CEO – Country Head • UAE

Co-founding Cushman & Wakefield Core in 2008, as Co-CEO Edward has overseen the growth of the company from its inception, leading a multi-service team on various assignments in the UAE, GCC and UK.

Working with clients in the UAE since 2005, Edward’s experience includes project sales and leasing consultancy appointments, having advised, and executed on behalf of clients on numerous new build residential & commercial buildings and communities in the UAE.

Edward has represented a broad range of clients including government bodies, MNCs, family offices and private U/HNW clients across multiple sectors - commercial, industrial, retail and residential, in transactions both within the UAE and internationally in the GCC and UK.

With a real estate career spanning more than 27 years across three continents starting in Sydney, Australia in 1996, moving to London, United Kingdom in 2002 and settling in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in 2005, Edward has developed a deep and diverse understanding of the industry, whilst establishing a comprehensive network throughout the EMEA region.

  • Acquisition
  • Disposal
  • Landlord Representation
  • Tenant Representation
  • Property Management
  • Project Sales and Marketing Consultancy

  • Licensed Real Estate Broker, RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Agency) BRN: 23257
  • Diploma - Business (Real Estate Management)

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