Finland office Finland office


Cushman & Wakefield completed the acquisition of our affiliate in Finland earlier this year, having announced in November that we had entered a definitive agreement to acquire the firm. 

Our new Finland website is coming soon.

Contact us to find out more about the acquisition.


Finland is a prosperous Nordic country with a remarkably strong and stable economy. The country is known for its high income, educated and happy population and exceptionally good welfare. Being a euro country, Finland offers security, stability and highly developed financial markets. The Finnish economy is expected to perform exceptionally well through the economic cycle. Finland has been granted high grade credit ratings of AA+ by S&P and Fitch and Aa1 by Moody’s, reflecting a stable and positive economic outlook for the coming years. In addition, the Global Competitiveness Report 2018 ranked Finnish banks as the most stable globally. 


Why Finland? 

Finland is a small country on a global scale but tops global charts in several fields, where it is has recently been ranked as:  

  • the most competitive country in Europe  
  • the most stable country in the world
  • the happiest country in the world and a country with the world’s best business environment 

Finland is also among the top OECD countries in terms of education, where Finland has the highest human capital and digital knowledge capital. It is also ranked as the most literate country in the world. 

Recent research has ranked Finland amongst the top countries globally in terms of it having one of the strongest economic growth potential rates. As part of this research, countries were ranked in terms of macroeconomic stability, infrastructure, institutions, openness and human development. 

Helsinki is the capital of Finland and the largest Finnish city with approximately 1.5 million inhabitants in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area (HMA). In international terms, Helsinki is the fourth-largest city of the Nordics by population. The population of the HMA is expected to reach 1.75 million by 2030, demonstrating one of the leading population growth rates in Europe. 

What we offer 

We offer our expert services to domestic and international real estate owners, investors, and occupiers. Our services include commercial brokerage, property valuation, capital markets services, retail service, property asset management, tenant representation and occupier consulting. 

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More Information on Cushman & Wakefield Finland
View the Finland market data insight reports or the property listings on the Cushman & Wakefield Finland's website.
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