Business Standards
Cushman & Wakefield Belgium SA – VAT number: BE0422.118.165
Cushman & Wakefield WTL SA – VAT number: BE0417.371.105
Cushman & Wakefield Design & Build sprl – VAT number: BE0839.917.951
Registered office: Avenue Marnix 23 – 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Real estate agent approved in Belgium, represented by Labuse BV - IP 514.742
Supervisory authority: Institut professionnel des agents immobiliers (IPI)/Beroepsinstituut van vastgoedmakelaars (BIV), Rue du Luxembourg 16B, 1000 Brussels, Tel: 02 505 38 50, Email: info@ipi.be, Website: www.ipi.be
Insurer: covered by insurance policy Axa Belgium, policy nr 730 390 160 Subject to the ethics of the real estate agent