What differentiates enterprise architecture from traditional architecture?
There are several points that differentiate enterprise architecture from traditional architecture, but in general, when designing an office space or any other type of business environment, the three main priorities are:
• Functionality and ergonomics
• Values embedded in aesthetics
Particular attention must be paid to the diversity of people and tasks performed at that location, as Cushman & Wakefield Project Manager Carla Kahn explains: "the corporate office needs to take into account the well-being of all employees, at the same time in which it reflects its values and corporate culture. The space also needs to meet a specific needs program, which involves workstations, meeting rooms, training room, pantries, and sometimes even kitchen and studios - all planned and taking into account the strategy and growth of employees and company. '', he explains.
Functionality and ergonomics
The discussion between aesthetics and functionality has long gained space in architecture. That's because many get carried away only by what is beautiful and functionality ends up being in the background. Corporate architecture goes beyond aesthetics and even functionality, it is necessary to involve another very important issue: ergonomics. Ergonomics is not just about suitable furniture, but everything that involves the practice of any frequent activity.
As it is an environment where people will spend a good part of their day, performing different functions, everything that is designed, from the simplest to the most complex, can impact the routine, productivity and health of employees and teams, both positively and negatively.
There are several ways to promote well-being in an EA project. Biophilia, which consists of incorporating natural elements into internal spaces, is one of them, but it is not the only one. Corporate architecture, in general, seeks to create a pleasant environment and promote benefits for employees, such as reduced stress and anxiety, increased creativity, productivity and motivation..
Values embedded in aesthetics
To build a strong corporate culture that engages employees, it must also be present in the environments. Expressing the company's values in the details makes all the difference: “ideally, the corporate space is identified and directly related to the brand or company. That this space can be identified anywhere in the world, keeping the same language and at the same time containing details that reflect the local culture in which it is inserted'', says Carla.
This video below represents a good example of how to combine all this in a corporate project. LinkedIn São Paulo Office had the project and construction management of Cushman & Wakefield.
Now that you know how enterprise architecture can work in favor of the organizational climate of the company, be sure to prioritize these 3 points mentioned above, they are essential in a successful business project.
Our strategic consultants in Project and Development management bring a broad perspective to understand the culture, objectives and goals of each client and employ best practices to generate value and minimize risk in all projects and works.