people working in an office (image) people working in an office (image)

Now Available: Office Fit Out Cost Guides

Get your 2025 office fit out costs for 144 key cities around the world, plus findings from our first ever global Contractor Sentiment Survey.

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Client Success Stories

Boden HQ amphitheatre
JP Boden & Co • Retail
Fashion retailer JP Boden & Co wanted to expand its London head office to accommodate business growth and more agile working.
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Commonwealth Bank of Australia • Banking & Finance services
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Kauai Organic Farms
Kauai Organic Farms • Agriculture
The unique offering included two diverse components of value: a highly profitable farming operation and substantial residential improvements
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Global Insights

Above the clouds (image)
Podcast • Economy

Cushman & Wakefield: Behind the Numbers

Our experts cut through the noise to provide you concise commentary on only the most important economic and sector-specific commercial real estate data points.
European Living Capital Markets Update

European Living Capital Markets Update

This comprehensive outlook serves as a valuable perspective to anticipate the future landscape of European living spaces.
Europe Hotels

European Hotel Investor Compass

Gain exclusive insights of the European hospitality sector with our in-depth Hotel Investor Survey. 
Background Value Prop
  1. 52.000 Mitarbeiter
  2. 9.4 Milliarden US-Dollar* Umsatz in 2024
  3. 60 Länder

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