Woman walking up set of stairs Woman walking up set of stairs


Never settle for the world that's been built but drive it forward.

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Client Success Stories

Boden HQ amphitheatre
JP Boden & Co • Retail
Fashion retailer JP Boden & Co wanted to expand its London head office to accommodate business growth and more agile working.
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Commonwealth Bank of Australia • Banking & Finance services
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Kauai Organic Farms
Kauai Organic Farms • Agriculture
The unique offering included two diverse components of value: a highly profitable farming operation and substantial residential improvements
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Global Insights

IA in design and build
Research • Technology

AI in the Design and Build World

Our design teams across EMEA are currently utilising several different AI technologies and platforms to enhance the design work we do for our clients.
Glyn Evans • 6/25/2024
Upacking Europe's Linving Revolution
Research • Investment / Capital Markets

European Living Revolution

Explore Cushman & Wakefield's comprehensive analysis of Europe’s living sector through 2040.
Tom McCabe • 6/20/2024
Inclusive Cities Barometer
Insights • Sustainability / ESG

Inclusive Cities Barometer

We quantified the social value of our cities. Our bold idea was to map out, track and measure how inclusive our cities are. We introduce the industry’s most comprehensive urban inclusion data set: The Inclusive Cities Barometer.
Cushman & Wakefield
  1. 52.000 Mitarbeiter
  2. 9.5 Milliarden US-Dollar* Umsatz in 2023
  3. 60 Länder

An ideas company is by definition a people company. Cushman & Wakefield proudly puts our people at the center of everything we do.


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