Properties provide space - for living, working, relaxing, shopping, education or sport. And sometimes also for healing. This is the case with McDonald’s Kinderhilfe houses and sanctuary spaces. Imagine your child is diagnosed with cancer. The thought alone is painful. But what is really involved - regular doctor’s consultations, chemotherapy sessions, check-up appointments - is not only challenging emotionally, but also from an organisational perspective. McDonald's Kinderhilfe builds and operates temporary homes on hospital grounds. For the parents and siblings of sick children. So that there are only a few steps - no matter whether it’s day or night - between their own bed to the sick child’s bed. And time-consuming journeys to and from the hospital are no longer necessary. A great support at a stressful time.
Helping together
And we also want to provide support. This is why there is an Impact Pioneer at each of our locations who plans the activities for our regular C&W Impact Days. And the first Impact Day with McDonald’s Kinderhilfe has already taken place. With bags packed full of delicious food for a summer barbecue, we set off in the direction of the Kinderhilfe house in Berlin-Buch. But before the barbecue in the evening, we had to get to know the building, the staff, the volunteers, the concept and the families. This was deeply moving and also impressive. In addition to the touching stories of the affected families, the work of Kinderhilfe radiates so much positive energy. And that energy flows exactly where it is needed: to the families. They find space for solace, space to talk about their experience with other people in a similar situation, space for siblings to play and space for cooking and eating together.
Experiences which will stay in our hearts forever
To keep the rooms in tip-top condition, we rolled up our sleeves: the patio furniture had to be sanded and revarnished, weeds had to be pulled up, the ship - ideal for forgetting your worries while playing pirates - had to be cleaned. And then we washed our hands and prepared a lovely barbecue. With pasta and potato salad, sausages and halloumi and raspberry mousse for dessert. After the intense (work) effort and heartfelt conversations, we drove back to Berlin fulfilled, thoughtful and impressed. It is important to expand our horizons with profound new experiences and also to lend a hand where it is needed. Many thanks to the Kinderhilfe team in Berlin-Buch!