Bogdan Sergentu

Valuation & Consulting • Romania

Bogdan Sergentu
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82-94 Buzeşti Street
Ţiriac Tower 6th Floor
District 1
Bucharest, Bucureşti 011665

Office: +4 021 310 31 00

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Bogdan Sergentu

Valuation & Consulting • Romania


Bogdan is Head of the Valuation & Consulting team of expert valuers, which consists of seven members with an average experience of over 18 years in the field and covers the national valuation sector through a local network of 20 specialized collaborators which covers the sector of valuations for bank loans guarantee for individuals or SMEs.

Bogdan’s team provides extensive commercial valuations based on international standards and regulation to some of the major investors and developers on the local real estate market; in 2021 the total value of assessed assets being 5.5 billion euros.

With 22 years of real estate experience, Bogdan completed a substantial number of appraisals of commercial, industrial and residential properties for financial reporting, taxes or bank guarantee as well as feasibility and best use studies.

Prior to joining Cushman & Wakefield Echinox, he worked as Valuer at SHM Smith Hodgkinson for over 5 years. Bogdan is a member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors since 2009 and a member of ANEVAR since 2008.


  • Iulius Group
  • Globalworth
  • Tiriac Imobiliare
  • UniCredit Bank
  • HSBC Bank
  • NEPI Rockcastle
  • Prime Kapital
  • OMV Petrom
  • Rompetrol
  • GSK
  • KLM
  • Auchan
  • Nhood
  • One United

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