Naše projekty
Kantar CZ - building a functional and personalized workspace
Our architects acted in keeping with the recommendations of conservationists by creating the modern interior in harmony with the building’s historical exterior, thereby allowing to enjoy the euphonious combination of historical heritage and a contemporary workspace.
1 The Opportunity
2 The Solution
In creating a functional and personalized workspace for Kantar, the architects based their utilized color palette on the company’s visual identity – the entire interior was adorned with a tasteful blend of white with contrasting dark walnut wood and gold details.
The walls were lined with illustrated portraits of the world’s leading researchers, aiming to inspire the users of the space as they engage in their sociological research. The illustrations were complemented by arched furniture, refurbished armchairs, and luxfer partitions, which serve as an untraditional means of creating partitions within the office space.
Despite the implementation of all contemporary elements in the interior, certain features, such as the corridors and corridor ceilings, were made to be reminiscent of the design of the historic corridors of the main building, allowing for the historical character of the building to permeate the office space.

3 The Result
From the client
"The Cushman & Wakefield team was sympathetic to our specific wishes and did their best to translate these wishes and ideas into reality. Even in these difficult Covid times, our requirements were met quickly and to a high standard. We would like to express our thanks to Cushman & Wakefield for their helpfulness and friendly approach."
Petra Průšová
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