Steven Dexter
CW Atlantic • Canada
Steven Dexter
CW Atlantic • Canada
Educated in business at Dalhousie University and the Jonköping International Business School in Sweden, Steven brings fresh, international perspective to the local market. With a strong background in sales, leasing and management in the automotive and real estate industries and an entrepreneur himself, Steve's a relationship builder, connecting people in the spirit of growing their respective businesses. He assists clients in every stage of the real estate process, representing them in the acquisition and disposition of investment property, retail leasing, raw land development, asset management and valuation, strategic planning and research, portfolio analysis, site selection and space location.
My Listings
À vendre • Land
Annapolis Basin Redevelopment
Broadway Avenue
Annapolis County, NS Canada
À louer • Mixed Use
The Keep - Prime Commercial Space
6112 Quinpool Road
Halifax, NS B3L 1A3
Prix de location: $18.75 psf CAD
À vendre • Land
Annapolis Royal Redevelopment Land
164 Prince Albert Road
Annapolis Royal, NS B0S 1A0