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Cushman & Wakefield Deploys Autodesk Construction Cloud Globally

Michael Boonshoft • 3/5/2025

Project Management Platform Provides Seamless Integration and AI-Driven Solutions for the Firm’s Global Occupier Services Professionals

CHICAGO, March 5, 2025 – Cushman & Wakefield (NYSE: CWK) today announced an expanded enterprise business agreement with Autodesk, the world's leading design-and-make technology company, enabling the company to fully deploy the Autodesk Construction Cloud (ACC) across all project phases. This transformative step will redefine how Cushman & Wakefield manages and collaborates on projects, ensuring end-to-end integration from design to delivery, while enhancing speed-to-market, efficiency, and client outcomes.

Cushman & Wakefield’s adoption of ACC marks a significant shift toward a unified, cloud-based workflow that covers every aspect of the project lifecycle from design and pre-construction planning to execution and final delivery, all managed within ACC. The platform provides: 

  • Full client visibility and transparency
  • Enhanced cost management tools and better budgeting templates
  • Comprehensive pre-construction planning
  • Streamlined compliance and permitting
  • Smarter and more empowered project managers

“ACC provides Cushman & Wakefield and our clients with a best-in-class cloud technology that ensures efficiency, quality, and transparency at every stage of the development and construction process,” said Aubrey Waddell, President, Chief Executive, Global Occupier Services. “Our project managers can now operate within a single, integrated system, with AI-driven insights improving accuracy and reducing risks. This allows us to deliver projects faster, smarter, and more effectively—while ensuring clients have complete visibility from start to finish.”

ACC eliminates outdated, fragmented processes and moves the firm to a seamless, unified, and connected process within Autodesk. The integration of ACC brings measurable improvements to project management and client outcomes including faster execution, reduced inefficiencies and quicker speed-to-market, instant access to project data, ensuring full visibility, modern tools and AI-driven solutions to optimize outcomes. Projects are now fully integrated into Cushman & Wakefield’s analytics platform, enabling predictive insights and comprehensive asset lifecycle management. 

“We are thrilled to expand and standardize our collaboration with Cushman & Wakefield, a global leader in the commercial real estate sector,” says Brent Ramos, Vice President, Construction Sales, Autodesk. 

“This agreement goes beyond just technology and truly underscores the synergies between the two organizations and bolsters our shared commitment to innovation, project excellence, and advancing the industry’s capabilities. Together, we are enhancing Cushman & Wakefield’s project delivery today and driving new levels of innovation in the industry for the future. Our mission is to partner and invest in innovative transformative technologies that enhance our clients experience and boost our data & insights to our internal teams. Our vision is straightforward yet far-reaching – integrating AI and real time insights into every aspect of our workflow to drive smarter, more seamless operations,” said Sal Companieh, Chief Digital & Information Officer at Cushman & Wakefield.

쿠시먼앤드웨이크필드 코리아 회사 소개

쿠시먼앤드웨이크필드(뉴욕증권거래소: CWK)는 전세계 60개국 400여 개 지사에서 약 52,000명의 전문가들을 둔 부동산 소유주들과 임차인들을 위한 선도적인 글로벌 상업용 부동산 서비스 회사입니다. 2023년에 부동산, 시설 및 프로젝트 관리, 임대, 투자자문, 밸류에이션 등 핵심 서비스 부문에서 95억 달러의 매출을 기록했습니다. 또한 수상 경력에 빛나는 기업 문화와 다양성, 형평성 및 포용성(DEI), 환경, 사회 및 거버넌스(ESG) 등에 대한 헌신으로 수많은 업계 및 비즈니스 표창을 받았습니다. 자세한 정보는 본사 웹사이트 (에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.


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