ArchCo Portfolio Valuation
Valuation of an extensive portfolio encompassing 18 million square feet, consisting of 5,285 rental spaces distributed across the UK, with approximately 80% located in London.
01 The Opportunity
The properties are predominantly transitioning from industrial to retail use, strategically situated around major infrastructure hubs. Additionally, the portfolio includes diverse rental space types such as land, offices, and car parking facilities.
The consideration of complex cashflow factors was needed to accurately value the portfolio:
- Diligence – quality of space, use, lease structures, headlease terms.
- Opportunities - reversion, turnover rent, enhancements, developments, disposals.
- Costs - operations, compliance, platform
02 The Solution
Our review of the data included in-depth discussion with the lenders and borrower from the outset to ensure that all key value drivers were considered.
We created a bespoke DCF model with capability to handle the large volume of datapoints, with the resolution of valuation assumptions at granular unit, ‘bucket’ and portfolio level.
03 The Results
The completion of successful transactions in accordance with the client’s target timeline.