À louer
  • Industrial
  • Hill 6 Industrial Building

    6609 63 Street, Lloydminster, Out of Town, Lloyminster, AB Canada
    À louer
  • Industrial
  • Hill 6 Industrial Building

    6609 63 Street, Lloydminster, Out of Town, Lloyminster, AB Canada
    Contïgue maximum
    16,000 SF
    Min Divisible
    8,000 SF
    Contïgue maximum
    16,000 SF
    Min Divisible
    8,000 SF


    16,000 SF freestanding building on 1.70 acres for sale Remaining 8,000 SF industrial bay with yard available for lease Drive through loading with fenced and secured yard


    Prix de location:
    Contact us for pricing
    Contïgue maximum:
    16,000 SF
    Min Divisible:
    8,000 SF

    Voir plus


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