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asia-reit-market-insight-report-2024 asia-reit-market-insight-report-2024

Asia REIT Market Insight 2023-2024

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This in-depth report offers a comprehensive analysis of the five largest REIT markets in Asia: Japan; Singapore; Hong Kong, China (“Hong Kong”); the Chinese mainland; and India. 

Key Highlights:

  • In 2023, the India REIT market saw the steepest rise in total market value, up 31% year-on-year.
  • Singapore's REIT market expanded by 4%, with an average total return of 7.0%.
  • Combined value of the Asia REIT market stood at US$252 billion, dominated by Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
  • The industrial / logistics and multifamily REITs, displayed superior risk resilience, while data center and healthcare sectors continued strong performance.
  • New policy initiatives in the Chinese mainland led to the issuance of seven new REIT products in the first four months of 2024.
  • India’s combined office REITs portfolio is projected to reach 180 million sq ft by 2025, with Nexus Select Trust planning to double its portfolio size over the next five years.

Stay ahead of the curve with our insights into these dynamic markets.

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James Young
James Young

Head of Investor Services, EMEA & APAC
Singapore, Singapore

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Gordon marsden
Gordon Marsden

Head of Capital Markets, Asia Pacific
Singapore, Singapore

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Andrew Chan (image)
Andrew Chan

Managing Director, Head of Valuation & Advisory Services, Greater China
Hong Kong, Greater China

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Catherine Chen (image)
Catherine Chen

Head of Capital Markets Research, Asia Pacific
Hong Kong, Greater China

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