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Case Study

EPF Vittorini

AXA RE envisaged a building renovation through revitalization of its overall image as well as the increase of services delivered to potential tenants. 

1 The Opportunity

AXA RE needed to refurbish a partially vacant commercial building in the southern area of Rome and put it back on the market. The 15,000 sqm structure was built back in the eighties and therefore suffering from outdated architecture and obsolete systems.

The client envisaged a building renovation through revitalization of its overall image as well as the increase of services delivered to possible tenants. AXA RE aimed at improving the building marketability, retaining current tenants and attracting new ones.

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2 The Solution

C&W Project and Development Services team were instructed from the early stages to define a strategic process for a successful completion of the entire project.

The concept was to turn the building into a smart commercial hub through the merge of the two existing volumes and introducing several formal and informal meeting and collaboration areas. In order to enhance the overall image, the team proposed a façade renovation that would guarantee a recognizable image and improve the building energy efficiency: sustainability was a main goal of the entire refurbishment project.

The upgrade of MEP systems and redesign of the outdoor green areas were another tangible effort from both client and designer to contribute to the quality of the surrounding environment on a long-term basis. Wellness and work-life balance were also crucial in thinking about how to attract new tenants with a positive new working environment. As a matter of fact, the ground floor of the building hosts a small fitness center as well as a canteen featuring a dehor and outdoor dedicated areas.

Overall, the involvement of C&W PDS team at the onset of the project up to the final delivery effectively contributed to the successful completion of the project.

3 The Result

The result is a modern business-office center. The extensive refurbishment project, carried out with cutting-edge design and highest technology standards, makes the building a dynamic and innovative center with next-generation offices and a wide choice of common areas for meeting and collaboration in a contemporary and agile way. Finally, its sustainable design and construction have been awarded with “LEED certification-Gold Level”.

Meet the Team

Lamberto Agostini
Lamberto Agostini

Head of Project & Development Services and Asset Services Italy
Milan, Italy

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Paola Migliavacca - Italy
Paola Migliavacca

Arch. MRICS, LEED GA, Partner, Office fit out
Milan, Italy

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Giusi Ferone web people
Giusi Ferone

Associate - PDS Italy - Business Development
Milan, Italy

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Francesco Calia
Francesco Calia

Head of Hospitality (EMEA Grade - International Partner))
Milan, Italy

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Andrea Mauro

Associate – Industrial Capital Markets
Milan, Italy

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Thomas Casolo Milan
Thomas Casolo

Leasing Brokerage_E9
Milan, Italy

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Francesca Prandi

MRICS, Partner – Head of Capital Markets Advisory
Milan, Italy

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Mariacristina Laria Milan
Mariacristina Laria

Head of Valuations Italy
Milan, Italy

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Mariacristina Laria Milan
Mariacristina Laria

Head of Valuations Italy
Milan, Italy

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Office fit-out
Il nostro team PDS assiste società nazionali e internazionali nella realizzazione di spazi ufficio, grazie all’esperienza maturata nello sviluppo di progetti per clienti che operano  in vari settori: finanziario, commerciale, farmaceutico, media e pubblicità, energia e telecomunicazioni. 
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