Naše projekty
1 The Opportunity
We were given the opportunity to perform a turnkey delivery project for our clients in Applifting, a dynamically expanding IT company that prides itself in its vibrant company culture.
Owing to the fact that Applifting employees spend a large portion of their leisure time on office premises, the key inspiration for this project was to create a homely environment that would cater to the distinct company culture of our clients and fuel a healthy balance between productivity and comfort. We were encouraged to effectively work with the given budget by utilizing the given layout and investing the most money on fields and fixtures that Applifting employees would be able to see, feel and enjoy.
As property manager of the River Garden building since 2012, Cushman & Wakefield's Design & Build team was able to apply their long-term knowledge of the building and directly cooperate with colleagues from Property Management. Given our aforementioned resources, Cushman & Wakefield was able to effectively move from the initial stage (visiting the site, assisting leasing negotiations, architectural design, project documentation) to the final stage of the project (delivering the desired workspace).

2 The Solution
As per the client's instructions, our team at Cushman & Wakefield meticulously planned out all expenses through sustainable space planning. We tried to keep as many current partitions as possible, thereby reducing the cost for the replacement of technology (HVAC) and creating more room within the budget to invest in brand new LED lighting with a shading system, ECO faucets in lavatories, etc.
The homely feeling of the office premises were created by the tasteful furnishing of the space with customized joinery furniture, wooden décor, plants, colorful fabric curtains, pillows, layers of varying textures, etc.
We decided to do the construction work in phases so as to minimize the disruption of the office operation. This concern, however, was alleviated when organizational changes caused by COVID-19 resulted in the transfer of most of the employees to home office, making the planning process much easier. On the other hand, the delivery of several supplies took a longer time, which meant that we had to adjust our schedule and prepare for further complications associated with the pandemic.

3 The Result
We created a very cosy interior using some of our client's existing furniture and reasonably priced facilities. Employees feel at home and are excited to use new workspace features such as the zen room and meet colleagues in a very informal and welcoming space. Our client proudly displayed their new offices several times on social media and were very satisfied with our team's ability to meet the deadline, budget, and execute everything very smoothly.
This project portays a future in which an office ceases to be a cold space with separated work stations, but rather a comfortable environment, where employees convene and collaborate, while developing and maintaining a healthy work ethic.

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