The Challenge
A increasingly challenging real estate market, encourages us to be transformative, flexible and innovative. It is key for us to adapt to the new challenges that our clients and its industries required.
The Solution
Planning, innovating and integrating all our services lines, with the aim to achieve the best results for our clients and their portfolios.

The Results
1. Transforming Retail Heart of Madrid
The largest Retail Investment deal ever in Spain
- Strongest Retail pitch of GV
- Second biggest Europe's Primark store
- Unique Trophy asset
- Closed in record time
2. Introducing new conceps in Spain
Entrance of the coworking concept in Spain
- 5,400 sqm office letting in Castellana 43, Madrid, + Retail premise
- 6,572 sqm office letting in Luxa building, 22@, Barcelona
- 6,500 sqm office letting in Castellana 77, Madrid
3. Connecting Barcelona Retail Center
Experts on icons and flagships
- 2010 - Apple - Flagship (old bank branches)
- 2013 - Urban Outfitters - Flagship (old Habitat store)
- 2014 - Media Markt - Flagship (former offices)
- 2015 - Zara, one of the largest stores in the world (former bank, branch and offices)
4. Pioneers in D22@ Tecnological evolution
22@ District first deals and largest pre-lettings ever in Barcelona's market
- Sale of Torre Glòries (Agbar Tower) plot and largest preletting ever in Barcelona to Agbar
- 1st. leasing deal in 22@, Zamora 54-58
- 22@ Network Board Member
- Can Canela Award 2016 for our commitment to the area
- 22@ Opinion leaders & influencers on general & economic media
- C&W leading agent (1994 - 2017). Total: 1,795,901 sqm /156 deals / 3,844 total investment volume