Cushman & Wakefield recognized as the Best Retail Real Estate Agency in CIJ Awards Czech Republic for the ninth time in a row
Jan Kotrbáček, Partner & Head of CEE Retail Agency team, Cushman & Wakefield: ”We are pleased to be recognized as the Best Retail Real Estate Agency on the market, now for the 9th year in a row. We are grateful for the ongoing opportunity to work with our clients, retailers, and colleagues. This award reflects our dedication to the retail market, serving our clients at all times, and the stability and seniority of our team.
The retail market has faced many challenges and tests in the past years, but obviously, it is still attractive to its customers. Recent discussions with many retailers at the MAPIC market event in Cannes showed their constructive sentiment to further improve their stores and portfolios, and support expansion. With many challenges ahead, we are prepared to assist and support our clients at our best.”
Cushman & Wakefield retail professionals use the power of the firm’s regional as well as global networks and cooperate within international teams, sharing retail market experience from various countries. In 2021, the Cushman & Wakefield Retail team participated on closing nearly 230 contracts concerning retail space of 58,000 sq m in total. This is also good news for the environment, as for each completed transaction, the retail team planted one tree – and starting this year, each transaction will mean two new trees.
In 2022 to date, the Czech Retail team already transacted over 180 deals with a total size of 59,000 sq m and by the end of the year is expected to achieve a similar number of deals as the year before, demonstrating the activity on the market.
Next year is also going to be a busy one for the Cushman & Wakefield Retail team as it has got some very prime retail instructions, leasing outstanding retail space at the following schemes: Fairmont Golden Prague Hotel in Pařížská street; Pařížská 25; 100 Yards at Na Příkopě 23-27; the redeveloped Máj department store at Národní třída; Náměstí republiky 7; Wenceslas sq. 30; the Dornych mixed use project in Brno’s city centre, as well as leasing many more existing and new buildings.
About CIJ Awards Czech Republic:
The CIJ Awards Czech Republic, now in its 22nd year, recognizes and celebrates projects, transactions, companies, as well as teams that excelled over the past year. Nominations are judged on a multidisciplinary basis.
The awards are granted for the contribution of the partner to the real estate sector, the winner is voted by an independent group of sector professionals and an expert jury. It belongs to the most prestigious awards by the Construction and Investment Journal which has been active on the market since 1995.
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